Project Complexity - Full Service

Know what you are getting into. Understanding the goals, needs, and complexity of your MRI Imaging Center Implementation Project.
- Module #2

1.5 Tesla Extremity MRI unit

Planning, building, implementing, and then successfully managing an MRI Imaging Center, when well-planned and well executed, can be a very profitable and excellent business decision.

Building and implementing an MRI Imaging Center can also be a very poor decision and disastrously unprofitable when less adequately planned and or implemented.

One of the most common pitfalls is inadequate attention paid to the crucial Financial and Business Viability Analysis (with critical associated assumptions and projections) for your MRI Imaging Center. If this plan is not well constructed, carefully researched, understood, supported, or modified as numbers might suggest before moving forward, it can be a roadmap leading to failure. The reverse is true, created with great care and well constructed assumptions, the Financial and Business Viability Analysis can guide you to long term success. This is one of the key areas where we can really make a difference, assist our clients and make a strong impact on the success of their MRI Imaging Center!

The creation and implementation of a successful MRI Imaging Center project, requires the developer of the project to thoroughly educate themselves in advance, of all they need to know to be successful, and act accordingly.

The strongest success in the implementation of a successful MRI Imaging Center, requires that either the principals have actual MRI Imaging Center plan, build, and implementation experience, or that they have retained an advisor such as MRI Consulting Group who have guided similar MRI projects, with a high level of success prior to your project.

A knowledgeable MRI project consultant will have candid and educative discussions with the principals in the MRI project, and will ensure an understanding of the needs and goals of the project principals.

This can make the crucial difference in the success and profitability of your MRI Imaging Center.

Retention of  a knowledgeable MRI consultant can result in a significant positive return on investment.

In the Turnkey MRI Imaging Center Projects we have been responsible for, we delivered to our clients, top tier Turnkey MRI Imaging Center facilities on time and on budget, even under the very worst possible and unexpected pandemic conditions.

In this Consultation and Assistance Module we will address

*Building on the previously discussed first Turnkey Assistance and Consultation Module, we will discuss the framework for the Client needs for the MRI Imaging Center Project under consideration. Client: Entity type, financial goals and limitations, current project status, deadlines, financing and other project requirements, site locations, MRI Magnet leasing or ownership, build out preferences, etc., all can be discussed.

*What does “well planned and Implemented well," mean in the Buildout/Implementation of the MRI Imaging Center?

*MRI Imaging Center Consultant assistance, interface, and the many benefits of using an owners representative. In an MRI Imaging Center design, build, and Implementation project, what can and should you the client expect, from the use of a consultant who will act on your behalf as the project owners representative?

*We will have an extensive discussion that follows, of the role and management of the many project professionals the client will be working with, and the benefits to the client of using an Owners Representative in the MRI Imaging Center Planning, Buildout, and Implementation process:

Selection and working with the Medical Project Architect, and assisting the client in the interview with Architect candidates, contract negotiations with the Architect, and retention of the Architect to your  benefit. We are knowledgeable in ensuring the AIA architect agreement provides protection for the client owners, we ensure and assist in the negotiation of competitive pricing for Architect services, as well as an understanding of the architect design role, and the actual role of the architect during all construction phases and in ongoing construction OAC meetings (Owner, Architect, Contractor). We typically save our clients money and time, in the interface and contract review revisions and negotiation process in working with the Medical Project Architect.

Acting as the Owners Representative in the planning and Buildout of your MRI Imaging Center Project, we provide high quality Contractor Builder or Remodeling Contractor Interface, and save client owners time they often do not have.

With significant direct experience in the MRI Imaging Center design and build process, we have provided important, timely, cost saving and decisive assistance for our clients at all project stages and intervals.

We routinely work on behalf of our clients and with the project architect, to  assist in finding for interview, three highly qualified building contractors to provide cost conscious and quality conscious building quotes.

Once we request bids from the builder contractor candidates, we work with the architect to construct rating and selection criteria for the Building Contractors bidding on the project, and review of contractor builder bids for the consideration of the project owners.

When necessary, we request builder bid clarifications and adjustments, review builder proposals, budgets, build out timelines, request for information, and agreements including clearly defined GMP (Guaranteed Maximum Pricing) or Open Book Pricing, and determine in a given set of market conditions, which type of  builder agreement, and which contractor is best for the client project.

In the design and build process for the MRI Imaging Center projects, we provide highly knowledgeable and beneficial representation, and act in the role of the Owners Representative, in person if needed, and electronically, at project construction OAC meetings.

In our MRI Imaging Center projects, we routinely represent physician owners in reviewing all builder submitted construction draw requests, and verify personally that work that was represented as being completed, was actually completed, and used the materials specified, and subcontractors specified.

In the MRI Imaging Center Design and Build process, we routinely determine if more information is needed from the builder/contractor, or subcontractor, or more work needs to be done, before a pay application can be closed, accepted, and certified for payment.

We review possible change orders and stay close to Hot Items, equipment delivery schedules and the construction timelines.

In the MRI Imaging Center Design and Build process, our knowledgeable OAC interface on behalf of our clients with the Builder, Contractors and subcontractors, have provided our clients with significant project cost savings and avoided rework and project delays. Builder accountability is enhanced and strengthened throughout the project buildout term.

In the design, buildout, and implementation of the MRI Imaging Center, our Critical Owner representation and Interface with the Contractor is crucial, with special attention paid to the buildout of the MRI Magnet Room Suite, Equipment Room, Operator Control Room, RF Shielding, and the MRI delivery and siting process, all of which are all very critical MRI Imaging Center design and build activities. All of which are areas that builder-contractors will say they know a great deal about, and many do not have that experience! It is an area where expensive mistakes and errors or omissions, will often occur, resulting in expensive rework and costly delays. I can recount to clients, examples where this has occurred in MRI Imaging Center buildouts.

In the MRI Imaging Center project buildout, as your consultants, we are very serious and pride ourselves on ensuring the design and buildout of your MRI Magnet room in your MRI Imaging Center, not only has a  layout that follows our architectural documents, and will comfortably serve patient needs, but also ensures that the 5 Gauss field line is fully and safely contained within the MRI Magnet room.

We also review the room buildout to ensure the builders have met this requirement in the actual final construction process (which is not always the case) as patient, visitor, and staff safety is of paramount concern.

We have saved our clients a great deal of money and rework, in the construction interface assistance.

In the MRI Imaging Center Project, to facilitate the most beneficial project financing, we work with you to find Very High Quality Project Financing, Banking, and Lender and Leasing Institutions.

In our MRI Imaging Center project consulting assistance, we are very proud of our work with top tier Lending Institutions and often save the client group very significant amounts of money, short and long term, and can make a great difference here as well. We sort out the great lenders, from the rest, and we help to negotiate excellent terms and rates for our clients.  As an Owners Representative with a good reputation doing what we do well, we can help make the lending institution and client group relationship very positive,  professional, and easy to navigate. We look forward to a discussion of this important function with all interested clients.

In our most recent larger client MRI Imaging Center project, working with the MRI site building landlord/Owner,  we were able to negotiate an enviable build out Tenant Improvement allowance, of close to $1,000,000.

In our MRI Imaging Center Projects, in all of the communities in which we have been retained, we have done a great deal of work and negotiation to obtain highly favorable building leasing terms and rates. We have consistently secured the best leasing and Tenant Improvement allowances to assist our clients in making money in their MRI Project.

MRI Imaging Center net Profitability is greatly aided by the negotiation of tangible operational savings on the project expense side of the equation such as building leasing rates, decreased Architect fees, decreased Builder Contractor costs, decreased cost MRI Vendor lease agreements noted previously, decreased financing rates and fees, and more.

The MRI Physicist and their Role in the Buildout, Eventual Ramp Up, Certification, and Annual Review of your MRI Unit is an area where we can help keep your MRI Imaging Center Project on schedule and compliant with necessary testing and client “sign off” after the MRI unit has been turned over to you from the manufacturer assembly field engineers as “acceptable”. You will want to make sure the imaging resolution is at the level of quality that you require and is consistent with the quality that your MRI model can produce. In addition to keeping you on schedule, in your MRI Imaging Center project, we can help to ensure regulatory compliance, ensure your MRI is producing artifact free, high quality scans at “Go Live” time which is crucial to your success in the short and long term.

We have really knowledgeable, personable, and with good advance project scheduling, available physicists who can provide top tier Magnet certification and compliance as required. Many groups don’t know what is needed as it relates to MRI regulatory compliance and Physicist Sign off prior to your MRI “Go Live” date. We do, and we make it easy, and scheduled and conducted very professionally.

The MRI Physicist is a crucial individual when you need them, and every MRI Imaging Center will need them, both initially and annually. You can utilize our physicist, or if you have a local physicist, we can discuss work that is required and work with them to ensure your needs are met. This is a very important item in this Consultation Module.

Seismic, Vibration and if needed, Ground Compaction Specialists-Your MRI Imaging Center site will need Seismic and Vibration testing before installation of your MRI, it is a standard procedure. We suggest vibration testing before the final signing of your building lease to ensure your MRI Imaging suite will work successfully in your MRI Imaging  Center, with your MRI Magnet being able to provide the image quality that you require.

MRI; Planning, Project, Site and Field Engineers. In the Planning and Buildout of your MRI Imaging Center, there is crucial work to be accomplished on your part in working with the architect and the MRI manufacturer or supplier and their planning, site, and field engineers.

These specialist professionals work for you and we work to ensure that everything is accomplished as well as it should be.

In the design and planning phase of your MRI Imaging Center, it is  beneficial for you to have someone on your side with excellent working knowledge of:

  • Critical RF Shielding requirements (Radio Frequency Interference)
  • Interior building temperature and humidity requirements
  • Drop ceiling height and cable tray information for build out
  • Cryogen venting and build out requirements
  • Supplemental equipment room cooling requirements due to high BTU loads in a small space
  • MRI Magnet unit placement and suite layout as it relates to 5 GAUSS magnetic field restrictions, containment requirements and safety concerns

We provide experienced assistance in the planning configuration and experienced detailed layout of your full MRI Imaging Center design space to include:

  • 9ft x 9ft magnet delivery knock out wall access
  • Patient waiting area
  • Check in/out
  • Operator control room
  • Magnet room
  • Equipment room
  • Locker room/dressing rooms
  • Supply storage
  • Fire suppression systems
  • And more

Our experience can make a very positive difference for you in the professional outcome of your exciting MRI Imaging Center project!

Planning for the safety and comfort of staff members, patients, and adjoining medical building suite occupants, understanding minimum room build dimensions, planning requirements that will result in high quality artifact free MRI Images, and planning for the future, are all things we have in mind as we meet the planning and layout team members from MRI equipment suppliers on your behalf.

We can also meet with the Local Permitting and Regulatory Agencies; Utility, County Tax Officials and regional authorities for Elevators, Fire Permitting, and other agencies, as your representative.